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Know anyone in the Bergman family? Ashes, passport found during home renovation

Construction worker hoping to find relative

(CROSS PLAINS, Ind.) – A construction crew had a unique discovery while cleaning out a foreclosed home near Cross Plains. 

They found the ashes and a passport belonging to a man named George Bergman. 

A member of the construction crew, Josh Ballmer, has been conducting research in an effort to return the ashes and passport to a family member of Bergman’s. 

Bergman was born on November 30, 1930 in the Netherlands. 

Bergman was born in the Netherlands in 1930 and passed away in Minnesota. 

Josh reached out to the Minnesota funeral home that conducted Bergman’s cremation. 

“Unfortunately, he passed away 32 years ago and the contact information we have for the family is no longer current,” the funeral home told Josh. 

How did the ashes and passport end up in Ripley County? Bergman is somewhat of a common name in our area, but otherwise, Josh is not sure. 

One thing he did notice is that the passport contains many stamps as it was evident George Bergman traveled to several countries in the 1960’s and 70’s. 

If someone wants to get more information or has questions, Josh encourages them to email him at

“I’ll answer anybody’s questions about what we know so far or the avenues we have been down already to find family,” he said.

Here is a photo Josh shared from the passport:

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